Pedro Munhoz made short work of Bryan Caraway tonight at the TUF 28 Finale, stopping him by TKO courtesy of a body kick mid-way through the first round.
Round One:
Nice right hand for Carway to start, but Munhoz returns fire. Another right for Caraway. Thought of a takedown from Caraway.
Right hand scoring again for Carway. Hard leg kick from Munhoz. Fast pace to start here. Caraway into the clinch. He’s already sporting a little damage to his right hook.
They break free and go back to slugging it out in teh center of the cage. Hard punches and leg kicks being traded here. Both fighters throwing caution to the wind on the feet here.
Caraway really looking to slug it out here, but Munhoz is catching him with punches. Munhoz throws a body kick that hurts Carway for a moment.
Back on the feet Munhoz lands another kick and Caraway goes down while turning his back to his opponent. Munhoz follows him down looking for punches, but the referee decides that body shot was enough and moves in to end the fight, handing Munhoz a quick TKO victory at 2.39mins of Rd1.