Angela Hill Beats Luana Pinheiro By Submission At UFC Fight Night 241

Angela Hill showed off her ground skills tonight at UFC Fight Night 241 as she earned her first ever submission victory against Luana Pinheiro.

Round One:

A minute gone and neither fighter has really found their range yet.

Calf kick for Pinheiro. Inside leg kick from Hill. Another kick from Hill. She land a jab. Looping right from Pinheiro.

Left hook for Pinheiro. Suddenly they are both swinging hard at close range and then Pinheiro tries for a judo takedown, but Hill defends it and then comes back up pressing Pinheiro up against the cage.

Pinheiro pulls guard and tries to work a guillotine choke, but Hill’s ok here in half-guard and transitioning over to side control.

Hill almost gets mount, but Pinheiro adjusts and then throws some upkicks to try to keep Hill from resetting on top.

Hill stands over her and then drops down a good punch. Pinheiro trying to get back up now, but Hill keeps her down as the round ends.

Round Two:

Right hand from Pinheiro. Now a front kick to the body. Hill tries to catch a kick but doesn’t quite get it.

Light one-two from Hill. Punch lands for Pinheiro. Swings and misses from Pinheiro. Jab for Hill. Pinheiro attempts a hip throw, but Hill stuffs it and is back in the clinch against the cage now.

Hill getting to the back, but Pinheiro turns into her. Hill regains the position, but then Pinheiro breaks free.

Nice jab for Hill. A few missed strikes from her. Jab from Hill knocks Pinheiro backwards for a moment.

Kick to the body from Hill. Pinheiro ducking in and Hill tries for a potential guillotine choke. Pinheiro gets out of that.

Body-head combo for Hill. Pinheiro ducks in for a takedown again and Hill catches her in the guillotine again, then pulls guard with it. The choke’s in tight and she’s able to roll on top and applies more pressure to force Pinheiro to tap out at 4.12mins of the second round! Great win from Hill who at 39-years-old appears to still be adding to her skill-set.

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