Anthony Rocco Martin managed to largely keep his fight with Ramazan Emeev standing and oustrike him on his way to a unanimous decision victory at UFC Fight Night 163.
Round One:
Leg kick for Martin. Quick jab from Emeev. Low kick for Martin. Missed kick from Emeev. Left hook and a straight from Emeev.
Double jab and then a straight from Martin. Emeev looking to close the distance, but Martin catches him with an elbow.
Emeev with a takedown, but Martin stuffs and counters with a kimura attempt. Martin working hard here and does manage to start cranking on Emeev’s arm, but he shows very good defense to gets his arm under control.
Emeev settles on top now, but Martin does well to get back to his feet. however, Emeev is now working from the clinch against the cage.
Brief stoppage for a groin strike, but Martin is ok to continue. Jab lands for Emeev. Again it lands.
Takedown attempt from Emeev but it’s a bit far out and Martin stuffs it. Clipping jab for Emeev. Right hand counter for Martin as his opponent steps in.
leg kick from Martin. Clinch from Emeev and he lands a knee to the body and presses Martin to the cage as the round ends.
Round Two:
Emeev threatens with the left hand to start the second. Quick right hand from Martin. Jab for Martin.
Emeev trying for a takedown and Martin drops down with a guillotine attempt. He gives up on it and immediately starts moving to get his back against the cage. A little blood trickling from Martin’s nose but he manages to stand up.
Emeev still in the clinch, but Martin does well to move away. Martin lands a leg kick. Emeev was complaining that Martin was slippery there, but the ref told him to fight on.
Emeev in for another takedown and Martin lands an uppercut. Low leg kick for Martin. Right hand catches Martin by surprise.
Calf kick again for Martin. Straight right lands. Uppercut misses. Back to the leg kick. Missed overhand from Emeev.
Right hand for Martin. Emeev with the jab. Emeev awkwardly in on a takedown attempt and Martin again starts working for a kimura, but there’s not enough time to work on it before the bell sounds.
Round Three:
Missed punches start the final round and then Martin lands a leg kick. Martin stuffs a takedown. Good punch from Emeev.
jab for Emeev. Another lands. Right hand and then a powerful left lands lean for Emeev. jab for Martin and Emeev clinches up.
jab for Martin as they go back to striking range and then a one-two behind it. Back to the low leg kick for Martin.
Jab again for Emeev. Short flurry of punches from him. Nice uppercut counter from Martin there. Another low leg kick. Jab for Martin.
Martin feeling out with the jab and then lands the right. Very nice sprawl from Martin to stop Emeev’s latest takedown.
Leg kick for Martin. Right hand for Emeev. Now a left. Glancing right now as Martin eggs him on in the final seconds.
Good performance from Martin here, stuffing Emeev’s takedowns and getting the better of him on the feet to win by unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28 x2).