Evun Dunham found himself under the kosh against Beneil Dariush in the opening round of their UFC 216 fight in Las Vegas this evening, but he rallied in the later rounds, leading to a majority draw decision.
Round One:
Both men exchange without landing at close range in the opening seconds of the fight. Dunham circling on the outside. Jab lands for Dariush as Dunham tries to return fire.
Kick for Dariush and Dunham attempts to clinch up, then separates. Reaching left hand from Dunham just lands. Nice punch from Dariush connects and Dunham circles out.
CHopping leg kick for Dariush. Dariush lands a looping punch. Elbows from Dariush and they seem to rock Dunham and he slowly sinks to the mat.
Dariush on top now and landing ground and pound. Dunham rolls to relieve the pressure momentarily, but Dariush remains on top and continues to cause him problems from half-guard.
Daunham tough though and hangs on in there and gets to a knee. Dariush lands a hard knee to the body. Dunham attempts to improve his position, but Dariush is wise to it and makes the adjustments to maintain his top control.
Dunham now trying for a leg lock, but Dariush is quickly free of that. Finally Dunham gets up in the final 20 seconds of the round and immediately unleashes a head kick attempt to show that he’s still in the fight.
Round Two:
Dunham comes out and lands a nice two-piece combo, but Dariush is also throwing heavy leather in return.
Jumping knee to the body from Dariush, but then Dunham gets the clinch and takes Darish down to the mat.
This is a good spot for Dunham after a rough first round and he’s got Dariush stuck awkwardly up against the cage here. Dariush trying to work on a shoulder lock, but that doesn’t lead to anything. He does get to his feet though, but Dunham remains pressing him up against the cage.
Dariush manages to shift out of danger and gets back to striking range. Both men exchange punches, but it’s a leg kick from Dariush that makes the biggest impact.
Another good leg kick from Dariush almost robs Dariush of his balance. Dunham in on a single-leg attempt and drives forward towards the cage, but doesn’t get his opponent down.
Dunham showing good grit and determination in this round, while Dariush looks a little tired, but is still throwing with power, as proved by him landing another hard leg kick.
Dunham shoves Dariush up against the cage once again to end the round.
Round Three:
Dunham looks to catch an early kick from Dariush and is almost successful, but there’s another one upstairs to contend with too.
Dariush misses with an overcooked punch and Dunham lands a nice counter as punishment. Dunham lands another punch and Dariush misses on a leg kick attempt.
A couple of short flurries for Dunham land and then he’s into the clinch against the cage. Dunham lands a few punches to the body before Dariush finally breaks free.
Dunham with a head kick attempt that misses. Good leg kick from Dariush seems to get Dunham’s attention. Another one lands hard too, and another.
Dunham works for the clinch position again and drives home a knee, but it’s not long before they spearate. Dunham with a right hand and Dariush also scores on the counter.
Another hard punch for Dariush. Leg kick for him and a punch in return from Dunham. Right hook for Dunham. Final 30 seconds and Dunham is trying to pour on the pressure with punches. Knee to the hea grazes him though. Dariush with another knee upstairs as the round comes to a close.
Close fight then, and in the end two of the three judges can’t call a clear winner, leading to a majority draw verdict (29-28, 28-28 x2).