Danny Roberts stunned Zelim Imadaev with a knockout blow in the dying stages of the second round at UFC Fight night 163 in Moscow this evening.
Round One:
Head kick attempt from Imadaev in the first exchange of the fight. Leg kick from him. Body kick for Roberts.
Roberts ducks under a punch and then gets a single leg, but can’t get the takedown off it and works to the clinch against the cage instead.
Imadaev reverses the position. Uppercut from Imadaev and solid knees to the body from Roberts.
They separate and Imadaev just misses with a head kick attempt. Leg kick from Roberts and jab from Imadaev.
Body kick from Roberts. Inside leg kick from Imadaev and a cuffing counter from Roberts.
Imadaev launches into a flying knee that misses. Imadaev trying to work punches after getting his opponent back up against the cage, but Roberts ducks down and lands a takedown.
Imadaev quickly back up. Clinched up Roberts lands an elbow and then breaks free. Body kick from Imadaev.
Another body kick from Imadaev. leg kick for Roberts and just misses on a hook. Inside leg kick from Roberts.
Nice takedown from Roberts, but almost immediately Imadaev rolls on top to end the round.
Round Two:
Low leg kick from Imadaev. Runninig backwards Imadaev lands a few short hooks, but then Roberts gets the takedown. However, Imadaev is immediately on top.
Roberts able to stand back up, but Imadaev still has his back. He lands a big punch as he breaks away.
Hard left hand off from Roberts ending a flurry. One-two for Imadaev now and Roberts goes for a takedown. Imadaev not all the way down though and manages to stand up against the cage.
Again Roberts disrupts his balance but can’t get him fully down. Back up and this time a more substantial takedown and again Imadaev stands again.
Stll in the clinch now and Imadaev is walking Roberts over to the cage. Now it’s his turn to land a takedown. Roberts also quickly stands. Imadaev still in this clinch. They exchange knees. Approaching a minute in the round remaining.
Knee to the body from Roberts as he regains control of the clinch position. Imadaev steps off to the side. Roberts with a nice elbow as he disengages.
Imadaev misses with a right hook and Roberts lands a powerful counter left hook to the chin and floors Imadaev! That’s it, Roberts gets a stunning KO victory out of the blue with only six seconds of the second round remaining!