Demain Maia outgrappled Anthony Rocco Martin in the opening 10 minutes of their fight at UFC On ESPN 3 this evening to earn a uanimous decision victory.
Round One:
Maia takes the center of the Octagon to start. Maia comes up just short with a straight left.
Martin circling on the outside. Maia takes his time but then inevitably goes for his first takedown of the evening. He’s working a single leg against the cage here and manages to land it.
Martin trying to get back up immediately, but that proves to be easier said than done. Martin with his back up against the cage as Maia slides into half guard, then wraps the legs.
Maia landing to the body and head here, sitting just above his opponent’s knees. More body punches.
Maia postures up. Martin able to find space to stand though and then reverses the clinch against the cage.
Maia pushes away and they get back to striking range. Only 15 seconds to go now in the round. Flying knee attempt fails from Martin and that’s the end of the round.
Round Two:
Front kick upstairs from Martin just misses. Maia tries for the takedown and Martin pushes him away.
Head kick attempt from Martin. Maia tried for another takedown and it’s stuffed.
Left hand for Maia and a counter from Martin. Maia goes for the takedown and lands it, but they scramble here and Martin starts working back to his feet. Maia swoops on him again and does well to keep him down here against the cage now.
Stifling pressure from Maia, but Martin does eventually get back to his feet. Only for a moment though as Maia pulls him back down quickly and then cinches up his legs.
Short body punches from Maia here as he sits on the legs. Martin struggling to do much about this at the moment. Bigger body punches from Maia and one upstairs.
30 seconds of the round remaining and the ref decides there’s not enough happening and opts to stand them up.
Maia tries for the takedown and they roll on the mat. For a moment Martin has Maia’s neck, but he can’t do anything with it and Maia soon rolls to end back on top to end the round.
Round Three:
Head kick attempt just comes up short for Martin. Not much happening here as they circle the center of the cage.
Another head kick attempt from Martin that’s blocked. Three minutes remaining. Again he tries for the head kick and again it’s blocked.
Jab lands for Martin now. Inside leg kick. Maia circling the cage. 90 seconds remaining.
Maia tries for the takedown and it’s stuffed. He goes again and nothing doing a second time.
Martin trying to close the distance. Body punch from Martin. Now he lands a good right hand.
Punch lands again for Martin and Maia attempts to work to pull guard. Martin on top now but with not a lot of time to work and the seconds run out without him being able to do enough to change the likely outcome of the fight.
Maia took his foot off the accelerator in the final round, but nonetheless he still had done enough in the previous two rounds to earn himself a unanimous decision victory (29-28 x3).