Donald Cerrone used kicks to put away Jim Miller tonight in the main event of UFC Fight Night 45, initially hurting him with body kicks, and then when his hands started dropping low to defend them he capitalized with a highlight-reel worthy head kick KO.
Round One:
The main event is underway and Cerrone throws straight punches to start. He throws a knee to the body too.
Miller lands a nice left hook and a body shot to follow. Another strike lands for Miller.
Cerrone counters with a good knee as Miller comes in again. Miller pushes him up against the cage, but Cerrone escapes.
A kick from Cerrone is caught by Miller and he uses that to get him down to the mat. Cerrrone does a nice job of getting up quickly though.
Cerrone lands with punches and Miller scores with a leg kick. Another well timed knee to the body lands for Cerrone – that’s been working well for him so far.
Straight right from Cerrone as Miller looks to clinch up against the cage. Miller gets a nice takedown, but Cerrone counters it and gets back to his feet.
Missed low kick from Miller with just over a minute to go in the round. He lands a counter hook too to good effect.
Cerrone now into the clinch and looking to take Miller down against the cage, but is unable to and they separate.
Miller lands a really nice straight counter that buckles Cerrone’s legs momentarily, but ‘Cowboy’ hangs tough and keeps on pressing forward as an eventful first round draws to a close.
Round Two:
Straight left lands for Miller to begin round two as Cerrone tries again for a counter knee. Cerrone tries a high kick that just misses.
Miller lands a good leg kick. Cerrone lands a kick a up the middle and Miller is grimicing in pain and goes to the mat. The ref calls for a stoppage, but then seems to realize that it wasn’t a groin kick, but one that landed to the lower body and so he tells Miller to stand and they get back to it.
Miller probably still hurt and just trying to regain his bearings as Cerrone stalks him. Cerrone again manages to land a kick to the body that seems to have Miller hurt again, though he’s trying to fight through it. He threatens with a head kick too.
Miller bites down on his gumshield and lets fly with punches to let Cerrone know he’s still in the fight while also keeping him at bay. He’s still hurting though, so it’s just all heart from him here.
Cerrone goes upstairs with a head kick and it cracks Miller cleanly on the neck and sends him crashing to the canvas, and this fight is all over! Great performance from Cerrone and a spectacular finish to cap it off.