Kamaru Usman got the better of Demian Maia by unanimous decision in the main event of UFC Fight Night 129 in Santiago, Chile this evening.
Round One:
The main event of the evening is underway in Chile!
Usman with a head low kick to start. Another lands to the calf of Maia. Right hand flicks out for Usman. Maia looks for a straight left, but comes up a little short.
Usman with a leg kick. Left hand lands for Maia. Maia working hard for a takedown now and partially manages to do so, but Usman pops straight back to his feet courtesy of a whizzer.
Maia continues to try to stay in close with Usman and takes his back standing against the cage. Awkward position here with Usman still utilizing a whizzer. It’s a bit of a stalemate and eventually the ref steps in and sepearates them with only a minute of the round remaining.
Usman comes in with a right hand. left lands for Maia. Left then a left-right combo for Usman as the round comes to a close.
Round Two:
Usman throws up a front kick, but it doesn’t find the target. Usman just missing with punches. A few land on Maia’s gloves. left hand for Maia.
Jab lands for Usman. Maia moves in for the takedown, but it’s stuffed and Usman looks for a guillotine choke as Maia stays on his knees on the mat.
Maia works back to his feet and they immediately go back to throwing punches with Usman being the busier of the two. He lands a nice jab. Maia tries for another takedown and Usman does well to get his hips back and prevents it.
Maia throwing a few punches, but not really getting through Usman’s guard effectively. hook misses for Usman and Maia tries hard for a takedown. Usman does really well to stay on his feet despite Maia’s repeated trip attempts.
Jabs for Usman. Usman tries to go into the clinch, but Maia lands a nice uppercut counter. Usman gets into the clinch and Maia pulls guard. Usman now in Maia’s guard, but there’s only 15 seconds remaining and he ends the round on top.
Round Three:
Jab for Usman. Now a right hand. He lands another right. Maia with the jab. Good straight right gets through for Usman. Front kick to the body for Usman and then launches into a right hand, but loses his balance as he does so.
Left hand for Maia. Left for Usman and then he stuffs the takedown that follows. A couple of rights graze Maia’s head. nice left hand for Usman.
Uppercut to the body from Usman and Maia backpedals. Low kick for Usman and Maia tries to dive on a leg, but nothing doing. Maia tries to encourage his opponent to follow him, but Usman is not having it and he’s forced to stand.
Jab for Usman and one for Maia. Maia reaches for the single leg and then thinks better of it. However, just seconds later he goes for it again and it’s easily stuffed by Usman, who ends the round standing over the Brazilian.
Round Four:
Big right hand from Usman down the pipe and Maia crumples to the mat. Usman follows him to the mat and works for some ground and pound.
Maia on his knees with Usman staying heavy on top to keep him there. Usman opts to stand them back up though.
Maia immediately looking to pull guard and they go back to the same position with Maia on his knees and Usman with a hand wrapped to his neck looking to land a few strikes.
Maia back to his feet. He tries for an immediate takedown and it doesn’t pay off. Bleeding from a cut to his face, Maia is looking tired now.
Usman with a body punch. He lets a few right hands fly and a hook connects. left hook now f or Usman. Maia tries for a single-leg and then opts to try to pull guard and lure his opponent to the mat. It doesn’t work.
Back in striking range Usman throws a few rights. Into the final seconds of the round and Usman is practically chasing Maia here as he looks for more hooks.
Round Five:
Usman working a couple of uppercuts as they get in close early in the fifth. Maia reaches for the single and Usman is just quickly shutting down these attempts now. Maia left on his back as Usman stands over him and lands a couple of kicks before getting him stood back up.
Body punch for Usman and then a hook. Another punch forces Maia to retreat. Maia with a left hand and then another stuffed takedown attempt. Usman stays down with Maia this time, but then thinks better of it and backs out.
Two minutes of the round remaining. Maia pulls guard yet again. Usman patiently backs out and stands over the still grounded Maia for a few moments then backs away.
Right hand gets through for Usman. Final minute. Jab for Usman and one in return from Maia. Maia trying to pull Usman down again but fails and is forced to stand up. Kick for Usman. Nice right gets through for Usman and that’s the final action of the round.
Kamaru Usman was in control from early on in this fight, shutting down Maia’s takedown attempts and outstriking him on the feet to earn a unanimous decision victory (50-45, 49-46 x2).