Ketlen Vieira was able to dominate Cat Zingano on the mat tonight at UFC 222 and deserved better than the split decision win that the judges handed her.
Round One:
Early leg kick for Zingano and then Vieira lands with a solid punch. Knee to the body from Vieira and then she moves into the clinch. Not long there though as they break free with the Brazilian landing an elbow.
Winging punch from Zingano and Vieira is looking to counter. Zingano again wading in a little wildly and gets caught with a punch in response.
They look to clinch, but not for long. leg kick for Zingano. Solid right hand for Vieira. Another leg kick for Zingano and then she goes in for a takedown and almost lands it, but Vieira does well to stuff it.
Body kick for Zingano. Now a right hand. Left lands for Vieira. Right for Zingano. Another body kick for Zingano.
They clinch up and Zingano looks for a knee. Good takedown for Vieira after catching a knee and she’s got over a minute to work. Vieira straddling Zingano’s legs and maintaining good position, though not getting off much in the way of offense. She tries to pass to full mount, but it doesn’t apy off.
Round Two:
Zingano looks for a head kick and it’s blocked. Now a side kick to the body. She moves in looking to clinch, but Vieira lands a terrific judo takedown instead.
Zingano caught off-guard by that and Vieira is able to hit her with a few unanswered blows to the head before she regains her composure.
The Brazilian in full mount here and looking strong on top, but Zingano bides her time and then does well to scramble and get Vieira out from under her.
However, she’s still on her back with Vieira looming over her. Upkick from Zingano partially lands, but Vieira gets back down into half-guard.
Half the round remaining and Vieira is trying to pass Zingano’s guard, but it’s proving a little easier said than done. Zingano brings her back to her full guard, but she’s having to work hard here without gaining an advantageous position.
Zingano gets Vieira off her again in the final seconds of the round and throws a body kick from the mat, then tries to drive into a takedown, but Vieira stuffs it and keeps her down.
Round Three:
High kick for Zingano and then slinging punches behind it as she looks to turn up the tempo. Another kick from Zingano, but it was checked this time and it seemed to hurt her as she’s limping now.
Vieira takes advantage by landing a trip takedown close to the cage. The Brazilian is happy working from half-guard, emphasizing control more than damage here.
She stands over Zingano again and lands a few kicks to her legs. Back down into her opponent’s guard she goes. She passes back into half-guard and lands a few elbows and punches.
Vieira stands again and Zingano does well to catch her leg and trip her with it and then is able to stand up and clinch.
Vieira manages to reverse the clinch against the cage and starts landing a few knees. They both exchange knees and the ref then opts to separate them.
Zingano with a right hand. Now a leg kick and another behind it. Zingano wading forward with more punches and kicks and Vieira doesn’t like that and opts to just clinch and press her to the cage again.
Zingano still looking to work from the clinch with strikes, but the round ends and she looks disappointed.
There should be no doubt about the winner here, but surprisingly there is a split decision verdict from the judges. One judge somehow saw it in Zingano’s favor, but thankfully the two others rightfully awarded Vieira the victory and so the Brazilian emerges with her hand raised (29-28 x2, 28-29).