Mayee Barber very narrowly defeated Andrea Lee tonight at UFC On ESPN 43 by split-decision in a result that could have gone either way.
Round One:
Body kick for Barber to start and then avoids a leg kick in return. Barber misses with a couple of short flurries and a front kick upstairs.
Lee tries a kick that’s caught and Barber tries to get a takedown off it without success.
Calf kick for Lee. Right hand for Barber and counter from Lee. Lee catches Barber by surprise by landing a takedown.
Lee in side control here away from the cage. Barber lands an elbow from her back. Barber throws her legs up and manages to trap an arm between them in a very awkward position for Lee behind her back.
Uncomfortable moments for Lee and Barber looks to land a few strikes from her back, but then Lee does get her leg free.
Barber trying to get out and Lee takes her back. However Barber continues to scramble and gets up to her feet nicely.
Barber lands a punch and looks for a kick too. Body kick for Barber as Lee lands a series of punches to the body.
Both ladies exchange punches and then throw high kicks at the same time. Left hook for Barber. Low kick for Lee. Barber responds with one of her own.
Barber with a leg kick and attempts a head kick that’s blocked. Spinning kick from Lee misses but follows up with another kick that lands and they are both still looking to exchange right on the bell.
Round Two:
Head kick attempt from Barber is blocked. Lee also misses with one of hers and Barber lands a leg kick. Barber with punches, but comes off Lee’s guard.
Low kicks exchanged. Barber with missed head kick and spinning kick attempts. Lee misses with a high kick too. Overhand lands for Barber and Lee lands a leg kick.
Right hand for Barber. She almost catches a kick from Lee. Barber continuing to try for the head kick. Then suddenly she swoops in for a takedown and lands it, but Lee stands back up immediately.
Solid one-two for Barber. Head kick attempt again is blocked. Right hand for Barber. She fires off a quick flurry of punches.
Straight left for Barber. Low kick for Lee and again. Both try to throw kicks at the same time.
Hard punch lands for Barber. She presses forward hoping to capitalize it and Lee does well to counter by landing a takedown in the center of the Octagon.
Lee moves into half-guard and is trying to set up a potential arm triangle attempt here. Lee gives up on that as Barber gets butterfly guard and pushes her off. Lee standing over her and looking to land kicks, but Barber is throwing up-kicks of her own.
Lee eventually drops back down into guard to end the round on top.
Round Three:
Barber throwing punches and a high kick attempt immediately, but not connecting with anything meaningful.
More head kick attempts from Barber, who is setting them up with flurries of punches. Lee goes for a takedown and lands it, then tries to take the back. Barber shrugs her off though and stands, pressing Lee into the cage.
Lee able to break free and gets handed her mouthpiece which fell out during the scramble. Body kick for lee as Barber also throws.
Lee also trying a head kick without success. Right hand lands for Barber. Body kick from Barber is blocked and then tries a side kick upstairs.
Right hand for Barber and then opts to clinch up. Barber swinging a hook as they separate. More high kick attempts from Barber.
Barber nicely times a takedown in the center of the Octagon. Lee gives up her back and stands, but Barber still clinched and lands a knee to the head. Lee then throws her to the mat and Barber stands.
One-two for Barber. Inside leg kick for Lee. Short right hand for Barber as she drives into the clinch. Lee turns into her. Knee for Lee and then lands a takedown in the final minute.
Lee in half-guard and trying to improve her position. Barber preventing that though as the round comes to an end.
Close fight then, with Barber certainly the more aggressive of the two on the feet, but Lee was composed and showed well-rounded skills to take down Barber at times and get some control time, while also getting up very quickly when taken down herself.
In the end there’s a split-decision verdict, and it’s Barber who emerges with her hand raised (29-28, 30-27, 28-29).