Merab Dvalishvili was able to get the better of Brad Katona on the feet and the mat on his way to a unanimous decision victory tonight at UFC Fight Night 151.
Round One:
Kick from Dvalishvili misses. Katona with a leg kick. Dvalishvili with a low calf kick. Side kick to the body from Dvalishvili.
Left hand for Katona. Front kick to the body from Dvalishvili then a low leg kick. Dvalishvili aborting on jumping knee attempts.
Katona short with leg kicks, but then connects with a right to the body then a leg kick. Two-piece combo connects for Dvalishvili.
Dvalishvili steps in with another short flurry and Katona lands on the counter. Punch for Dvalishvili. left hand gets through for him.
Short punches inside from both men. Now Dvalishvili grabs a kick and manages to take Katona down, but gets up again quickly.
Left hook for Katona and then goes into the clinch against the cage. Not doing much with it though and Dvalishvili is able to reverse the position.
Katona able to walk him away from the cage, but then Dvalishvili takes him down near the center of the Octagon. Dvalishvili in his opponent’s guard for now.
A fw body punches from Dvalishvili. Final 10 seconds of the round and he drops down a series of energetic hammerfists.
Round Two:
Dvalishvili with a well timed takedown to start the second round. Short punches to the body from inside Katona’s guard. Now he passes to half-guard.
Katona gets him back to his full guard. Short punches to the ribcage from Dvalishvili. Not too much happening though.
Finally with around 90 seconds of the round remaining the referee opts to stand them back up. Nice left hand from Dvalishvili, but then Katona moves into the clinch against the cage.
Katona trying to threaten with a knee upstairs that doesn’t find a home. He tries again and does land a glancing blow this time. Final 10 seconds and Dvalishvili catches his opponent off-guard by going for a trip takedown and landing it.
Round Three:
leg kick for Dvalishvili. Head kick attempt from Katona doesn’t quite land. Another low kick for Dvalishvili. Katona tries to step in with an elbow, but it comes up short.
Attempt at a takedown and Dvalishvili ends up clinching with Katona against the cage. He goes for the takedown, but Katona defends. Right hook for Dvalishvili as they break apart.
Single leg attempt from Dvalishvili, but it’s blocked by Katona. Still in the clinch, but then Dvalishvili punches as he moves free.
Jab for Katona. Nice takedown under a punch for Dvalishvili and is straight into half guard near the cage.
Katona gets him back to his full guard. Dvalishvili heavy on top for now though, then decides to posture up then back into the guard. Short punches to the head now.
Again Dvalishvili postures up and drops a couple of punches, but then Katona looks for a potential leg lock and then opts for upkicks instead.
Dvalishvili staying on top in the final 10 seconds to take this one to the judges scorecards.
Dvalishvili convincingly got the better of Katona here to earn a unanimous decision victory ().