Michael Chiesa continues to make a big impact at 170lbs with a dominant, grinding win over Neil Magny tonight in the main event of UFC On ESPN 20.
Round One:
The main event is underway on Fight Island.
Chiesa with a leg kick, but eats a punch for his troubles. Clinch in the center of the Octagon and Magny lands a hook.
They break apart. Magny feels out the jab. Leg kick for Chiesa. Another leg kick for him. Magny presses forward pumping the jab.
Kick to the body from Chiesa. Both fighters still finding their range here. Punch to the upper body from Chiesa.
One-two from Chiesa. Magny presses forward with straight punches without quite landing. They clinch in the center of the Octagon and Chiesa lands a takedown.
Chiesa in half-guard. Chiesa trying to slice through to improve his position, but Magny locks him down again to the half-guard.
Good amount of control on top here from Chiesa. He’s got plenty of shoulder pressure here and is going back to trying to pass guard in the final second rounds of the round and just gets into full mount as the horn sounds to end the opening round.
Round Two:
Chiesa feeling out with the jab. Front kick to the body from Chiesa and then into a takedown attempt. He fails at the first attempt and has to reset. Magny reverses the clinch against the cage now. He lands a shoulder strike. Chiesa reverses the clinch as the jockey for position.
Chiesa takes his time and then lands a nice takedown. Magny almost reverses the position, but Chiesa adjusts. Magny able to work over to the cage though and gets back upright.
Magny pressing Chiesa into the cage, but as he’s looking for a takedown it’s Chiesa who gets it instead. Elbows land for Chiesa and he’s now in a high half guard.
Plenty of control but not much damage from Chiesa so far. He does land a few elbow strikes now. Another nice elbow drops down.
40 seconds to go in the round. Chiesa trying to improve position, but then postures up and lands another elbow. Chiesa smothering Magny as the round comes to a close.
Round Three:
Front kick to the body from Chiesa. Magny comes forward with a few punches. Chiesa clinching up, but Magny reverses the position. They battle for position from here and Magny would like a takedown to enjoy some top control of his own.
Magny does manage to throw Chiesa to the mat and then as he tries to get right back up he is able to get him down again. However, Chiesa stands against the cage and it’s back to the clinch position for Magny.
Three minutes of the round remaining and they go back to striking. Magny with a straight right. Now Chiesa lands a left.
Two left hands for Chiesa and then into the clinch against the cage looking for a takedown. Magny reverses the clinch again and then bumps around to Chiesa’s back. Chiesa turns back into him though. Chiesa reverses and now it’s his turn to get to the back and try to drag Magny down. He manages to get him down, but Magny scrambles and they are in a 50/50 spot.
Chiesa able to scramble and ends up on top, but it’s still a somewhat awkward position and they have to scramble again with Chiesa ending up in a potential guillotine choke position. Magny avoids that, but Chiesa ends up back in half guard.
Magny tries to wall walk in the final seconds of the round and lands a few punches from his back.
Round Four:
Nice jab for Magny. Body kick for Chiesa. Right hand for Chiesa and then straight into a very nice takedown in the center of the Octagon.
Chiesa in Magny’s full guard here and this is a very good spot given that he’s already got three rounds in the bank. Magny trying to get up, but nothing doing for now.
Chiesa gets to half-guard where he’s been for much of this fight. Chiesa almost passes, but then Magny tries to work back to his feet. In the process Chiesa’s able to take his back though and wraps in the body triangle as he starts to work for a choke.
Magny trying to get out and Chiesa gets full mount. Magny not giving up though and manages to stand with Chiesa on his back.
They break apart and Magny lands a knee. Chiesa clinches up again quickly. Magny lands a knee to the body again. Chiesa trying for a takedown but ends on his knees with Magny on top and he has a triangle choke from here.
Chiesa staying calm and patiently manages to break free of that choke and end the round on top again.
Round Five:
Five minutes left and Magny needs a finish here if he’s to have any hope of winning.
Chiesa circling on the outside to start. Both men pop the jab. Flurry of strikes from Chiesa. Constant movement from him as he runs down the clock.
Straight punches from Magny but he’s reaching rather than landing cleanly. Magny clinches up quickly and gets around to his back as he looks to break his base and get the takedown.
Magny staying upright for now, reverses the clinch, then pulls Chiesa down on top of him. That doesn’t pay off though as Chiesa scrambles on top.
Chiesa working from this half-guard position and grinding his way to a decision victory with only 90 seconds left.
Chiesa able to move to full mount at last, but Magny gets him back to half-guard quickly. Magny going for hand control to stop the strikes. He tries to stand, but Chiesa adjusts and gets back to full mount.
Magny trying to walk the cage to escape as the round ends.
Former lightweight Chiesa has been doing great work at welterweight and that continues today as he controls Magny from start to finish on the mat to earn a decision victory (49-46 x3).