Nate Maness survived a flash knockdown at the end of the first round tonight at UFC Fight Night 192, before getting payback on Tony Gravely midway through the second round courtesy of a TKO finish.
Round One:
Body kick for Gravely to start. Now a calf kick. He misses on another leg kick. Gravely misses with a big right hand, but then lands a punch behind it.
Now Maness lands a straight punch nicely. He does so again. Gravely attempts to get in on a takedown attempt without success.
Gravely lands to the leg again. Maness continuing to look for straight punches down the pipe. Gravely back to the leg kick.
Punch for Gravely, uppercut from Maness. Gravely lands a nice hook. Gravely able to get a takedown, but Maness is quickly looking to stand. However, Gravely is working on a potential choke while he’s doing so and that makes him cautious. However, he does well to keep his composure and then land a brief takedown of his own.
Back up they go and Gravely quickly works back into the clinch against the cage looking for a takedown as Maness chips away with short punches.
A few body punches from Gravely and Maness returns the favor, before managing to get away and back to striking range.
Maness with a nice punch, but Gravely goes back into the clinch against the cage. Another break apart. Gravely with a leg kick.
Jab from Maness. Leg kick for Gravely. He lands a body kick. Big right hook from Gravely drops Maness with only seconds left in the round. Gravely follows him down and lands a few hooks but just manages to survive until the end of the round. He’s slow to get back to his feet and looks like he’s not fully recovered inbetween rounds.
Round Two:
Gravely quickly applies pressure and throws more power punches against the cage. Gravely opts to clinch up though which gives him more time to recover.
Manesse manages to move away, eating a few body punches on the way. Nice left hook from Maness. Stumble from Gravely as he overcommits to a punch.
Maness lands a punch and also stuffs a takedown attempt. Gravely lands a low kick. Now a punch. Maness lands to the body, Gravely attempts to counter, but Maness then blasts him with a big punch that sits him down!
Gravely on his knees trying to get his bearings back, but Maness is blasting away with more punches and the ref has seen enough and waves off the fight, handing Maness a big TKO victory at 2.10mins of the second round.
Gravely is unlucky in some respects as if there had been a few more seconds remaining at the end of the first round he would have likely finished his opponent, but all credit to Maness for recovering and turning the screw in the round that followed.