Parker Porter was able to outwork Alan Baudot over three rounds to earn a unanimous decision win tonight at UFC Fight Night 201.
Round One:
Porter lands the jab to start the fight. Baudot feels out with his own. Left hand lands from Baudot and a grazing right as Porter also connects with a left hand.
They trade in close and Porter lands punches, but Baudot catches him with a nice uppercut. Short elbow from Baudot too.
Now Porter is working for a takedown against the cage. He lands a few knees to the legs as he presses his opponent into the cage.
Baudot lands a knee to the body. Not too much happening from this spot now and finally Baudot manages to break free.
jab for Baudot. He lands again and grazes with an uppercut. Porter with a couple of short flurries as he presses forward.
Hard uppercuts from Baudot and Porter goes back into the clinch against the cage. he lands an elbow over the top. He’s not had much success working the fight to the mat so far though.
Porter with a couple of strikes and now they separate. Leg kick for Porter. Front kick to the body for Baudot and Porter lands a takedown off that as the round ends.
Round Two:
Leg kick for Porter. Overhand attempt from Porter and wings a couple more punches behind it.
Jab for Porter and a push kick to the body. Now an inside leg kick and one to the outside. jab for Baudot who also lands a punch to the body.
Porter just comes up short with an overhand. Porter ducks into a takedown attempt, working a single and then changing to a double. He attempts a trip, but only succeeds in pulling Baudot on top of him.
Porter able to scramble though and get back upright and presses Baudot back into the cage.
Nice hook from Porter before they separate. Left hand and a leg kick on the other side from Porter. Baudot looking a bit tired now .
Porter attempts a takedown and Baudot stuffs it, but they end up in the clinch against the cage again.
Right hand from Porter and Baudot shoves him away and gets back to striking range.
Baudot lands a right hand. Now a jab. Jab again from Baudot and a leg kick from Porter and then again. Right hand lands for baudot as the round draws to a conclusion.
Round Three:
Baudot working behind the jab to start the final round. Left hook from Porter. Now an outside leg kick. Big left hand from Baudot.
Jab again for Baudot and Porter lands two leg kicks in reply. Another leg kick for Porter as Baudot sticks him with a punch.
Another jab from Baudot. Baudot starting to find his rhythm on the counter as he again fires off a kick from Porter.
Jab for Baudot, then a punch to the body and overhand behind it. Baudot feeling it now and he lets out a “wooo!” and shakes his fist in the air.
Porter attempts a takedown, but Baudot stops it. Porter drives him into the cage, goes back to working for a takedown and manages to get it this time.
Important moment for Porter and now he’s working in half-guard. A couple of elbows from Porter while he looks to isolate an arm for a possible keylock submission.
He decides against that but starts to look to pass and ends up in full mount. 10 seconds to go and Porter drops down a few elbows down before we head to the judges scorecards for a decision.
A competitive fight then and Baudot did well to make a fight of it in the third round after appearing to tire late in the second, but in the end it was Porter who was able to grind out a unanimous decision victory (29-28 x3), helped on by an important takedown in the closing stages of the third round.