Stevie Ray Defeats Ross Pearson By Split Decision At UFC Fight Night 99

Scotland’s Stevie Ray earned a split decision victory over Ross Pearson tonight at UFC Fight Night 99 after stepping in to take the fight on just a few weeks notice.

Round One:

Push kick to the body for Ray to start. Pearson steps into a body kick. Straight left misses for Ray. Pearson feels out with the jab.

Low leg kick for Ray. Nice body punch for Ray. Front kick upstairs misses the target from the Scottish fighter.

Mid-kick blocked from Pearson and Ray lands an inside leg kick. Pearson mostly taking the center of the Octagon so far, but not fully letting his strikes go so far.

Leg kick for Pearson. Ray with a head kick that’s blocked. Nice leg kick for Pearson. Now a front kick to the body. Ray responds with one up high.

Switch body kick for Ray and a solid body kick in return for Pearson. Ray steps into a left hand and then works into the muay thai clinch, landing a knee before reseting.

Body kick from Pearson. Head kick just goes for Pearson’s head. Ray with a glancing spinning kick to the body. Ray clinches up and hoists Pearson into the air, carries him across to the Octagon on his shoulder and slams him hard into the mat.

Pearson back to his feet as the round comes to a close.

Round Two:

head kick whistles over Pearson’s head. Brief lull and then Ray tries a wheel kick that misses. Pearson struggling to get into range to let his hands go at this stage in the fight.

Body kick from Pearson. Ray works for a takedown, pressing Pearson into the cage. Couple of knees from Ray and then he opts to break away.

Body kick from Ray. Glancing right hand. Pearson just short with a knee to the body as Ray moves away. Leg kick for Ray. Solid stepping leg kick for Pearson.

Two minutes of the round remaining. Oblique kick for Ray. Pearson looking for punches. He’s still struggling to deal with Ray’s sense of distance.

Ray stumbles forward, but Pearson is unable to capitalize on that momentary error. Front kick to the body for Ray. Body kick for Pearson.

Inside leg kick from Ray and a body punch from Pearson. Right hook and a kick upstairs from Pearson. Pearson almost ducks head first into a a high kick from Ray.

Ray thinks about a takedown, but then aborts. Powerful body kick from Pearson and a counter spinning kick from Ray that misses.

Round Three:

Pearson trying to step forward with purpose.Leg kick for Ray. Another leg kick for Ray as he stays elusive on the outside. Inside kick this time.

Pearson ducks a high kick and then steps into a powerful leg kick. Pearson tries a side kick to the head that doesn’t land.

Pearson ducks a punch and rips to the body. Punch to the body and a hard kick to the midsection from Ray. Leg kick from Pearson and one in return from Ray.

Body punch from Pearson. Pearson a little reckless as he bundles forward. Pearson rips again to the body as he avoid strikes from Ray.

Body kick from Pearson. Pearson catches a kick but can’t do anything with it. Ray with a head kick that’s blocked. Kick from Pearson is almost caught.

Kick from Ray low, then high. Final minute with Ray landing a low leg kick. Kick upstairs from Ray is blocked. Pearson tries one too.

Brief clinch and Pearson lands a knee to the body. Low kick and a hook for Ray. They both look to trade in the dying seconds of the fight.


Ray’s movement and control of range were key factors tonight as he earns himself a split decision victory (30-27 x2, 27-30). A big win for the Scottish fighter, especially since he was coming in on short notice.

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.