Roy Nelson’s heavy hands got the better of Antonio Silva tonight at UFC Fight Night 95, knocking him out late in the second round.
Round One:
nice body kick from Silva to start. Nelson comes after him with a couple of left hands.
Surprisingly Nelson lands a leg kick, but Silva fires back with a punch. Another nice strike for Silva.
Silva lands a leg kick that knocks Nelson off-balance. The two men swing at each other in close then reset.
Lull in the action as we head to the middle of the opening round. Nelson presses forward with a right hand. Silva just misses with a hook, but does land a leg kick.
Knee misses for Silva, but does land with a punch. Right hand connects for Nelson, but Silva takes it and soon after fires back with a few punches of his own.
Overhand right for Nelson, but doesn’t land as cleanly as he would have liked. Not often we see it these days, but Nelson is now going for a takedown. He doesn’t get it, but does press Silva up against the cage.
Into the final minute of the round with Nelson just landing a few knees to the leg of his opponent. He lands a body punch. Mostly just stalling though as the seconds tick down to the end of the round.
Round Two:
Leg kick for Bigfoot. Nelson throws punches in return. Kick to the body by Silva. Right hand for Nelson comes up short and he backs away as Silva tries to land a head kick.
Left hook for Nelson. He tries for an akward overhand right too that doesn’t quite find the mark. Again the overhand just whistles over Silva’s head.
Kick for Silva that lands to the groin and forces a brief stoppage. As they get ack to it Silva bursts forward with energy, landing punches as he fights his way into the clinch hoping for a takedown, but it doesn’t pay off and they go back to striking range.
Nelson with a left hook and uppercut. He lands a right hand now, but so far Silva’s chin has held up. Silva comes in with his head low and Nelson lands another uppercut.
Silva goes for a kick and eats a right hand counter. Knee from Silva, but a hook lands from Nelson in return.
Nelson starting to take control now. As Silva attempts a leg kick, ‘Big Country’ uncorks a big right hand that drops ‘Bigfoot’ hard to the canvas.
A few follow-up shots land and that’s it, Nelson seals the knockout victory at 4.10mins of the second round!
Afterwards Nelson seems annoyed at referee John McCarthy and aims a kick at him, feeling he should have stopped the fight a little earlier. Time will tell if he gets into trouble for that.