Court McGee claimed a unanimous decision victory over Josh Neer tonight at UFC 157 in California.
McGee starts brightly with a a combo of punches and kicks. Half a minute in a straight right from Neer lands nicely in return after he was thwarted in his attempt to get to the clinch.
McGee looking to keep him at bay with punches from range and Neer already looks a little marked on the face, but he’s stepping in when the opportunity arise and is swinging hard.
Half-way through the round and McGee’s really starting to tag Neer with accurate strikes as his opponent is pressing foward. Neer gets caught with a left hand that staggers him backwards and is followed up by another head kick.
Neer’s tough so he’s hanging in there, but this isn’t looking good for him at this stage.
McGee lands a kick to the mid-section and it’s hurt him, but he’s trying to hide it. McGee continues throwing punches and Neer hunches over clutching his ribs and backs up, but doesn’t go down even when McGee targets the mid-section again.
Eventually under McGee’s pressure Neer slumps down to the canvas and McGee’s on top firing shots, but surprisingly isn’t working to the body and Neer manages to regain his senses and survives to the end of the round.
McGee is back to working from range again early in the second round, firing off a few leg kicks. He gets into the clinch, but Neer lands a few strikes that backs him up.
Undeterred McGee presses back at him and lands a series of punches that snap Neer’s head back.
McGee’s still getting the better of the stand-up, though Neer is getting through with the occasional shot himself and half-way through the round he’s able to pop McGee’s head back with a trio of jabs.
That gives Neer some confidence and suddenly it’s him that’s getting to the punch first, though McGee lands another shot to the body in the same spot as the first round that serves as a reminder that he’s still very much in this.
McGee looks to be slowing down a bit and his punches don’t have the same snap as they did at first. Neer lands a nice hook and motions for McGee to come forward for some more of the same. McGee looks for some punches and a knee, but it’s a bit lethargic and he’s probably relieved when the bell sounds so he can regroup.
Looking a little fresher at the start of the third McGee goes on the offensive. He’s throwing the greater volume of punches, but Neer’s look to be landing harder.
McGee works into the clinch against the cage, but doesn’t hold the position for too longe before Neer sneaks out and they go back to striking.
Neer looks to work some strikes, but McGee has other ideas and scores a takedown. Neer gets back up, but McGee’s pressing him against the cage and looking to give him another trip to the mat. He works hard for it and is finally able to pick him and put him on his back.
From the position Neer is looking for a submission, but McGee avoids and takes his back, looking for a rear-naked choke. Neer steers clear and rolls to his back again.
10 seconds to go and McGee lands some hammerfists and a couple of punches to boot.
On to the judges scorecards then and it’s McGee who gets the unanimous decision verdict (30-27 x3).