A single punch from Uriah Hall in the opening round of his fight with Ron Stallings tonight at UFC Fight Night 59 was enough to open up a nasty cut that would result in a cage-side doctor calling an end to the bout, handing Hall the TKO victory.
Round One:
Hall leaps in with a flying knee to start this one off. Stallings ok though and tries to settle into the fight.
Stallings landing a nice kick to the body. Soon after he connects with a solid kick to the leg. Hall with a low kick and then a high one to follow immediately afterwards that just wings over his opponents head.
Hall with a high kick that’s blocked, then another one with more power. Stallings steps in with a low kick.
Spinning head kick from Hall that misses and sends himself off balance a little, but he quickly recovers. Stiff uppercut lands from Stallings in close.
Stallings moving forward confidently as he tries to let his hands go, but then Hall suddenly hits him with a single powerful shot that rocks him and he drops backwards onto the mat. Hall is over him landing some punches and elbows, then decides to back up and let him stand.
Now that they are back up it’s clear that Stallings is wearing some big damage above his left eye with a cut to the cheek in there too for good measure.
The ref spots it and opts to call a stoppage for a doctor to look at it. The doc quickly decides the cut is too deep for Stallings to continue and so this one is all over, Hall gets the TKO victory with 3.37mins on the clock.