Augusto Sakai banished his four-fight losing streak tonight with a grinding decision victory over Don’Tale Mayes at UFC Fight Night 220.
Round One:
Low leg kick from Sakai makes an immediate impact. Now Mayes works to the body. Overhand attempt from Sakai just misses.
Another low kick from Sakai. He moves into the clinch against the cage. Mayes does well to reverse the clinch position. He manages to land a knee to the body, but then Sakai gets away.
Push kick to the body from Mayes. Low kicks exchanged. Mayes tries for a takedown, but Sakai stuffs it. Mayes stays clinched up though and presses his opponent into the cage.
Sakai works for a guillotine and then turns him into the cage. Sakai throwing a few knees to the head now as Mayes is bent over and is now covering up to protect himself.
Mayes manages to press Sakai into the cage but is still partially caught in this potential guillotine choke. He turns him again and lands a few more knees to the body. Mayes finally gets his head free so he can stand up straight, but still being pressed into the cage.
Sakai with an elbow. They move from the cage. Sakai lands a low kick and it knocks Mayes off-balance to the mat. Sakai looking to get on top and Mayes gets to his knees. Sakai weighting on his back. Mayes able to stand though and moves over to the cage as Sakai stays in close.
Final few seconds of the round and Sakai throws a few knees.
Round Two:
Jabs from Sakai and Mayes strikes back. Straight punches from Sakai to back Mayes up to the cage. Mayes able to clinch up.
They don’t stay in the clinch long. Mayes lets his hands go. Sakai works back into the clinch against the cage.
The action stalls a little and then Mayes reverses the position. Knee to the body from Sakai as he works the thai clinch. He tries to walk away from the cage, but Mayes drives him back again.
Sakai again pushing away from the cage and lands a couple of light hooks. They break apart, but not for long as Sakai gets right back into the clinch on the fence.
Not too much happening from here and Sakai is happy to embrace the grind from the clinch until the horn sounds.
Round Three:
Sakai starts the third round aggressively, landing a couple of nice left hands and then into the clinch against the cage. Mayes turns him into the fence though and they jockey for position against the cage, with Sakai getting back into the dominant position.
Mayes able to move away from the cage. Push kick to the body from Mayes and Sakai is back into the clinch again as soon as he can.
A couple of solid knees to the body from Sakai before they break apart. Mayes starting to throw some punches now. Right hand from Sakai. Mayes into the clinch and Sakai trying to counter with a guillotine choke and uses that to reverse the position and lands some knees.
Sakai drags Mayes to the canvas up against the cage. Sakai with a few punches to the head.
Mayes gets to his feet and reverses the clinch against the cage. Knee to the body from Sakai. Yet another clinch position, this time Mayes leading it, but Sakai threatens with a guillotine and Mayes moves to a sitting position against the cage. Sakai moves to his back as the round ends.
Not the most exciting fight then, but Sakai was able to utilize the clinch to control the action and pick up a much needed unanimous decision win (30-27 x3) to end his four-fight losing streak.