Cynthia Calvillo smartly used takedowns and top control to her advantage tonight to earn a unanimous decision victory against Jessica Eye in the main event of UFC On ESPN 10.
Round One:
The main event of the evening is underway in Las Vegas.
Jab for Eye. Now a jab for Calvillo. Uppercut from Eye and a left hand grazes from Calvillo. Nice crisp jab from Eye.
Now a right hand counter from Eye as Calvillo tries to let her hands go. Again Eye lands. Now it’s Calvillo’s left hand tht lands.
One-two from Eye. Head kick from Calvillo partially gets through. One-two for Calvillo. Now a jab. Body punch from Calvillo.
Right hand lands for Eye. One-two from Calvillo, but Eye counters witht a right hand. They trade a jab apiece. Calvillo tries for a head kick that again partially gets through but is caught by Eye. She doesn’t do anything with it though.
left hand for Eye. Nice combo from Eye lands. Calvillo with a left now. Body punch from Eye. Now Calvillo lands a body punch too and then a short flurry of strikes upstairs. Another body punch for Calvillo. Jabs for Eye.
Glancing right hand from Eye. Now another two punches for her in the final 10 seconds of the round.
Round Two:
Body punch for Calvillo. Eye firing out the jab. Left connects for Calvillo. She gets through again as Eye tries to let her hands go.
Uppercut attempt from Eye. Nice straight right from Eye off the jab. Now an inside leg kick. jab for Eye and Calvillo with her first takedown attempt. At first Eye stays upright, but then Calvillo works a trip to make the takedown pay off.
Calvillo in half-guard close to the cage. Right hand lands for Calvillo as she tries to improve her position. Eye able to stand, but Calvillo almost has her back. Eye pressing her back into the cage though as Calvillo has a hook on her leg.
Suddenly Calvillo is able to jump up and take Calvillo’s back. Eye goes to the mat and is trying to prevent Calvillo from flattening her out.
Calvillo gets the body triangle, but Eye is still making life awkward for her at thhe moment. A few punches from Calvillo and then looking for a choke.
Calvillo with punches again to soften her up. Left and right hands from Calvillo as she looks for an opportunity to work in a choke. Just as the round ends Eye is rolling on top.
Round Three:
Jab for Eye. Punches from both fighters coming up short. Jab to the body from Eye. Now Calvillo follows suit with two punches to the midsection.
Nice counter jab from Eye. Leg kick for Calvillo. Grazing left from Calvillo. Now a body punch. Again to the body with a short flurry of punches for Calvillo and the jab still the primary weapon from Eye.
Jab lands for Calvillo. Body punches and then one upstairs for her. Short combo from Eye. Jab lands for each lady.
Body punch for Calvillo, punch upstairs on the counter from Eye. Jab lands for Eye. Right hand apiece. Nice right hand counter for Eye, but soon after Calvillo lands a takedown.
Calvillo in side control here. Eye gets to her knees and Calvillo takes her back. Not much time remaining in the round and Eye is able to ward off any potential takedown attempt, leaving Calvillo landing a few punches instead as the round ends.
Round Four:
One-two for Calvillo and right hand counter from Eye. Kick from Eye just as Calvillo swoops in and lands a takedown in the center of the Octagon.
Eye rolls onto her front and Calvillo latches onto her back. A few punches landing now. Calvillo almost slipping off for a moment there, but gets the body triangle and resecures the dominant position.
A few elbows and a punch from Calvillo, but then Eye manages to scramble and get back to her feet.
Left hand lands for Calvillo as Eye lands too. Calvillo tries for another takedown, but this time Eye stuffs it.
Right hand for Eye. Uppercut feint and then a right hand again from Eye. Now a jab. Right hand lands for Eye. Calvillo comes up short with punches. Jab apiece lands.
Jab for Calvillo. Left hand from Eye and flurry in return from Calvillo. Calvillo works the jab. Body work too as the roudn ends.
Round Five:
jabs for Eye and then one for Calvillo too. More jabs from Eye. Quick exchange of punches. Hook to the body from Eye.
jab from Eye and then lands to the body. Repeated jabs for Eye. Now an uppercut attempt. Grazing right hand for Eye.
Another body punch from Eye. Two hard punches for Calvillo. Left and right by Eye. Elbow from Calvillo. left hands from Calvillo.
One-two’s from Eye. Now body punches. she lands a right hand counter. Calvillo works to the body with punches. Now a sneaky right hand from Calvillo. Left gets through for her. jab from Eye. Good right hand for Eye and a spinning backfist from Calvillo.
Right hand flashes out from Eye. She lands a big right hand as we hit the final minute. Suddenly Calvillo lands a trip takedown and lands some hammerfists.
Eye up to her knees, but then Calvillo threatens with a Peruvian necktie submission, but Eye is out of that and back to her feet.
Swing and a miss from Eye and that’s it, we’re headed to the judges to settle this one.
With there not being too much to choose between them on the feet, Calvillo’s well-timed takedowns and periods of control on the mat proved to be important here in helping her seal a unanimous decision victory (49-46 x2, 48-47).