Katlyn Chookagian took full advantage of being the longer fighter tonight at UFC 255 against Cynthia Calvillo as she repeatedly outstruck her opponent from range and emerged with a solid decision victory.
Round One:
Low inside leg kick for Calvillo to start. Chookagian misses with a one-two and Calvillo lands a counter punch.
Leg kick for Chookagian. outside leg kick for Calvillo. Now she tries a side kick upstairs that doesn’t quite pay off.
Calvillo with a hook and then catches a kick and works a takedown, but Chookagian gets up quickly.
Chookagian with a jab. A right hand lands. Now she targets the body with a punch. Again a jab for her. A left hook connects as she steps away.
A left again from Chookagian as Calvillo struggles to get inside. Calvillo with an inside leg kick and then tries for a takedown, but Chookagian stuffs it.
Right hand lands for Calvillo back on the feet. Both ladies connect at close range. Front kick to the body for Chookagian. Now a solid left hook.
Front kick from Calvillo to the body. Calvillo with a combination of punches and the final left lands crisply.
Chookagian trying for a kick upstairs and then to the leg. A left hook scores for her well. Right hand for Chookagian. She’s putting together a solid volume of strikes here and the smaller Calvillo is a bit hesitant on the outside which is to her detriment.
Round two:
Outside leg kick for Calvillo. She tries a side kick upstairs. Side kick to the body now. Another one lands. She fakes a takedown attempt.
Jab for Chookagian. Body punch for Calvillo. Another jab for Chookagian. Punch lands for Calvillo, but Chookagian also scores with a counter.
Calvillo with more movement this round, but still working too often on the outside. She tries to put together a short flurry, but comes up short.
Front kick to the body for Chookagian and then two nice punches that keep Calvillo at bay. Jab landing frequently for Chookagian.
Calvillo missing with kicks. Hard left hook for Chookagian as Calvillo tries to let her hands go. Calvillo with a straight punch that does land.
Blocked kick from Calvillo and then Chookagian returns with a hard kick of her own. Another leg kick for Chookagian and Calvillo with two glancing punches in return.
Solid jabs from Chookagian with good accuracy. Calvillo motioning her to come forward, but she’s not offering much offensively here.
Round Three:
Punch to the body and then head from Calvillo. Chookagian continues to stay busy with the jab. Outside leg kick from Calvillo.
Jab from Chookagian and a body kick for Calvillo that’s partially caught. Straight left from Calvillo. She lands that again, but only just.
Both ladies missing with strikes here. Again they exchange without much actually landing. A minute of shadowboxing here.
Finally Calvillo lands a body kick. Now a left hand gets through. Inside leg kick connects. Now an outside one and gets sent off-balance by Chookagian momentarily.
Jumping knee to the body from Chookagian and Calvillo was looking for a potential takedown entry there.
Back to striking range though. Body punches for Calvillo. Single punch for Chookagian. Calvillo clinches and lands a knee to the body, then they are back out again.
Left hand from Calvillo. Now a solid one-two. Another couple of punches land. Left hand for Chookagian. Chookagian ups her intensity in the final seconds of the round with punches and a kick.
Chookagian’s volume striking from range foiled Calvillo for much of this fight and leads her to a clean sweep on the scorecards (30-27 x3).