Derrick Lewis proved once again that he only needs one punch to turn a fight on it’s head as he rendered Curtis Blaydes unconscious with a perfectly timed uppercut.
Round One:
The main event is underway in Las Vegas.
leg kick for Blaydes. Blaydes steps in potentially looking for a takedown attempt, but Lewis lets his hands go and scares him off.
A lull in the action as Blaydes resets and thinks again. He lands a punch and comes in again and Lewis tees off again, without finding the mark.
Blaydes sizes Lewis up from range and lands a low leg kick. Head kick attempt from Lewis comes up short. So does a front kick attempt.
Blaydes in to range again, Lewis tries to counter a takedown attempt and instead Blaydes is able to tag him with a few clean punches.
Leg kicks for Blaydes now. He’s throwing more feints now too. lewis misses on an uppercut and gets caught with a counter. Blaydes throws caution to the wind and presses forward with punches and then lands a low kick that knocks Lewis off-balance for a moment.
Blaydes with a punch and then with Lewis’ head low he throws a jumping knee upstairs. More punches from Blaydes. Now a leg kick.
Coming towards the end of the round and Blaydes unleashes more punches against the cage, but a thumb strays to the eye of Lewis and that forces a brief stoppage for him to recover.
Lewis looking to throw a kick, but eats a jab as the round ends.
Round Two:
Blaydes comes forward with a flurry to set up a takedown against the cage, but Lewis defends it well and gets back to striking range.
Blaydes ducks into a takedown attempt, but Lewis counters with a huge uppercut and it knocks him unconscious, though there’s a brief delay before he keels over, getting clipped again on the way down. Lewis then drops down two more heavy blows before the ref can bring the fight to an end.
Another massive highlight reel knockout out-of-the-blue for ‘The Black Beast’ at 1.26mins of the second round!