Joaquin Buckley vs. Antônio Arroyo Result At UFC Fight Night 192

Joaquin Buckley had to wait until the last round of his fight with Antonio Arroyo before serving up his latest finish, with a big uppercut flooring his opponent to set up a TKO finish.

Round One:

Leg kick for Buckley to start. He lands it again low on the inside. Missed body kick from Arroyo. Now Buckley lands with one of his own and aims a punch in that direction too.

Leg kick again for Buckley. He lands and Arroyo throws a counter punch that seems to send Buckley off-balance to the cage, but appeared to just be a stumble.

Leg kick for Arroyo. Buckley throwing with power. Jumping switch kick from Arroyo, but falls over in the process, then lands an upkick before standing back up.

Body kick for Buckley. Heavy body kick from Arroyo now. Inside leg kick to the thigh from Buckley, but it lands to the groin by mistake and forces a brief stoppage.

Big head kick from Arroyo partially gets through. Buckley regroups and lands a leg kick, then punches to the body.

Low kick for Buckley. Fast body kick from Arroyo with power. Jumping knee from Arroyo as Buckley is coming into range almost finds the mark.

Leg kick for Buckley. Buckley throws punches to disguise a head kick attempt, but doesn’t quite connect and loses his balance in the process.

Buckley gets back up. Arroyo with a head kick that’s blocked. Buckley goes into a late takedown attempt, but they both drop to their knees and then stand back up as the round comes to an end.

Round Two:

Calf kcik on the inside from Buckley. Now a head kick attempt that’s blocked. Low kick for Arroyo now.

Another inside low kick from BUckley. Now a jab lands for him. Arroyo tries for a straight right. Buckley coming back with a head kick attempt, then lands a leg kick behind it.

Body kick from Arroyo. Brief exchange in close. Back to the inside leg kick for Buckley. solid body kick for Buckley now.

Outside calf kick from Arroyo. Head kick attempt from Buckley. Back to the leg kick. Now one on the inside as Arroyo’s lead leg gets increasingly reddened.

Now Buckley pressing Arroyo up against the cage, but his opponent turns into him before they break.

Arroyo with a leg kick now. Question mark kick attempt from Arroyo. Body kick for Buckley. Jab from Arroyo.

Inside leg kick from Buckley. Big knumping knee attempt from Arroyo that lands nicely upstairs, but Buckley gets a body lock in the process and presses him up against the cage.

Buckley unable to get anything going in the clinch though and they separate. Front kick to the body from Arroyo. Arroyo throwing a switch kick as the round ends.

Round Three:

Outside leg kick for Buckley. Side kick to the body from him as Arroyo looks to counter. Body kick for Buckley and then back to the leg kick, but that one was checked.

Buckley attempts a takedown, but Arroyo stuffs it and spins around to try to take his back. Buckley able to escape back to his feet though.

Missed leg kick from Buckey. He does go upstairs with a few punches though and lands, then goes into the clinch.

More tenative leg kick from Buckley after they break apart. Reaching jab from Buckley. now a body kick that comes off the arm.

Buckley with a right hook that almost misses, but still seem to have hurt Arroyo, who staggers backwards, with a follow-up uppercut landing to the nose which floors him.

Buckley follows him to the floor and looks to land more blows as the ref rushes in at 2.26mins of the final round to end the fight by TKO.

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