Julio Arce left it until the third round to deliver a submission finish against Daniel Teymur tonight at UFC Fight Night 131.
Round One:
Teymur with a leg kick. Another lands. Now a third. How about a fourth while we’re at it. Arce thinks about a head kick, but doesn’t fully commit to it.
Arce stepping int oa one-two. Push kick for him as Teymur again goes for the leg kick. Good body kick for Arce.
Teymur connects to the inside leg kick again and Arce’s thigh is showing significant redness already. Again the shin connects to that same spot.
Nice left hand lands for Arce. Teymur just constantly going for that same spot on his leg. Hard left hand scores for Arce.
Arce ducks under a strike and looks to clinch, but Teymur presses him up against the cage. nice knee to the body from Teymur. He tries a trip and it doesn’t pay off.
Back to striking range. Nice uppercut from Arce. Push kick for Arce, overhand from Teymur grazes his opponent.
left hand lands once more from Arce. Now a right connects as the round comes to an end.
Round Two:
Body kick for Arce, leg kick for Teymur. Head kick from Arce blocked. Counter punch lands for Teymur. Another head kick attempt from Arce blocked. Leg kick for Teymur.
Nice left hand slices through Teymur’s guard. Body punches for Arce. Winging right hook misses for Teymur.
left gets through again for Arce, but not with much power. Teymur into the clinch against the cage with half the round remaining.
Arce breaks fre. Teymur tries for a head kick and then works a knee upstairs as they get in close.
Couple of left hands for Arce and Teymur misses with a spinning backfist attempt. Teymur getting a little wild with his punches now.
Into the clinch again and nothing much doing. Arce with a left hand. Another strike lands and Teymur just misses with the spinning backfist.
Round Three:
Low leg kicks for Teymur. Body kick for Arce. Teymur continuing to kick the lead leck, but not as hard as in the first round.
More leg kicks and then Arce responds with a push kick. Couple of punches land for Arce. Teymur going back to the kick and this time Arce uses that to take him down and follows him to the mat.
Arce quickly takes his back and locks in the body triangle, then lands a few punches to soften him up.
Arce sees the space to sink in the rear-naked choke. Teymur struggles for a while, but eventually he can take it no more and has to tap out with 2.55mins of the third round gone.