Matt Hughes Family Says His Condition Is Improving

Matt Hughes family have provided another brief update on the legendary fighter’s condition after his truck was hit by a train at a railway crossing on June 16th.

“Our family would like to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers for Matt,” his sister Beth Hughes Ulrici wrote on her Facebook page. “He is improving and continues to show us his heart and determination each day. He has a long road ahead of him and your continued thoughts and prayers will help him with the journey.”

At this stage it’s not clear exactly what kind of improvement has been seen, but nonetheless it is good to hear that there has been some progress.

An official update from doctor’s a couple of days after Hughes was first airlifted to St. John’s hospital had revealed that the star was “stable,” but “minimally responsive,” after the crash.

Even though the latest update sounds a little more poisitive than that, Hughes Ulrici stressed that her brother still has a long way to go.

“Please continue your prayers for Matt. There was a well attended prayer vigil Sunday evening in Mt. Olive, IL and another in the works for a later date in Hillsboro. Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.”

Matt has always been a fighter; but he is now in the biggest fight of his life. We know he will continue to improve with God’s Grace and Mercy.”

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.