Paddy Pimblett Beats Tony Ferguson By Unanimous Decision At UFC 296

Paddy Pimblett earned a convincing decision win over Tony Ferguson tonight at UFC 296, dropping him in the 1st round with punches and getting the better of him on the mat too later in the fight.

Round One:

Both feel out with an early jab. Low kick from Ferguson as Pimblett lands a couple of punches. Leg kicks exchanged. Solid punch from Ferguson.

Body kick for Pimblett. Pimblett shoots for a takedown, but Ferguson moves away nicely. Leg kick for Pimblett. ody punch from Ferguson. leg kick for Pimblett and a counter right from Ferguson.

Solid body kick for Pimblett. Then a leg kick. Good left hand for Ferguson to the chin. Body punch for him. Calf kick for Pimblett. Low kick from Ferguson as Pimblett misses on a counter hook.

Jab for Ferguson. He lands another. Body punch for Pimblett now. Inside leg kick from Ferguson and a low kick from Pimblett too that turned Ferguson for a moment.

Pimblett lands a heavy punch and then Ferguson responds by hurting him too. Pimblett connects again and Ferguson seems troubled for a moment, but is then quickly back into the action.

Another good punch for Pimblett. Ferguson with a leg kick. Straight right for Pimblett. Now a one-two behind it. More punches landing along with a jumping knee and Ferguson drops to the mat.

Pimblett is all over him looking to land hammerfists and punches. Ferguson rolling and gets to his knees. Pimblett gets to his back and lands punches. Ferguson turns to get to his back. Pimblett still punching.

Ferguson almost scrambles up, but Pimblett is able to adjust and keep him down as the round comes to a close. Action-packed first round.

Round Two:

Calf kick for Pimblett. Right hook from him on the counter as Ferguson looks for his own punches. Ferguson misses on a push kick.

Straight punches land for Pimblett. Ferguson misses with a lead elbow. Pimblett able to knock Ferguson off-balance to the mat. Ferguson looking for elbows from his back. Pimblett postured up then settles into the guard.

Pimblett with big ground-and-pound. Ferguson trying to work for a submission, but unable to get anything going for now and Pimblett is back to looking for ground-and-pound.

Ferguson looking to tie up Pimblett and having some success in stifling his opportunities for offense. Pimblett moves to half-guard. Ferguson gets him back to full guard but eats an elbow.

A few more punches land for Pimblett. Body-head combo. Pimblett trying to pass guard but unable to as the round comes to a close.

Round Three:

Grazing right hook for Pimblett. Uppercut for Ferguson as Pimblett looks for straights without landing clean. Leg kick for Pimblett.

Another calf kick from Pimblett. Pimblett trying for a takedown, but Ferguson stuffs that and brings him to the mat. Ferguson opts to stand him back up.

Pimblett lands a punch but looks a bit weary. Pimblett in the clinch and does well to land a takedown. Pimblett settles into Ferguson’s guard. Pimblett postures up and then passes to half-guard.

Half the final round remaining. Pimblett staying patient here and just looking to hold position. Ferguson does get him back to full guard though.

Ferguson kicking Pimblett off to create space, but can’t manage to find a way upright. Pimblett has him up against the cage now in his guard with less than a minute to go.

Ferguson trying for a guillotine but Pimblett pulls free comfortably from that. There’s a late scramble, but Pimblett stays on top. Ferguson with a few late hammerfist strikes.


No doubt about the winner here with Pimblett overpowering a game Ferguson in the first round with heavy punches that eventually put him down, while the later rounds saw him control the action on the mat to earn a unanimous decision victory (30-27 x3).

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.