Rob Font was able to oustrike Thomas Almeida tonight at UFC 220, with a head kick setting up an impressive finish for the bantamweight fighter in Boston.
Round One:
Font throwing hands early as he looks to impose his will on Almeida. The Brazilian lands a leg kick. Font misses with an uppercut and then tries to move in for a takedown, but it’s stuffed.
Nice strike from Font as they break away. Leg kick for Font. Punch lands for Font and he presses Almeida into the cage.
Almeida managing to get free from that position. He throws a head kick that’s blocked. Leg kick for Font, but Almedia counters with a punch.
Nice head kick from Almedia. Font misses and Almeida grazes his head with a right hand. Almeida lands again as he starts to find his range.
leg kick for Almeida. In close Font lands an elbow to the head. Font just misses with an uppercut and Almeida lands a hook.
Almeida with a punching combination and several blows land. Another head kick from the Brazilian is blocked. Font tries for a head kick of his own, but Almeida counters well with a punch, and that’s the final meaningful action of the round.
Round Two:
Font working behind the jab t ostart the second round. leg kicks for Almeida in response. Font lands a one-two. Suddenly a right hand to the temple from Font hurts Almeida and there’s a delayed reaction as he staggers backwards and then falls. Font follows him, but opts for a takedown, which buys Almedia some time to clear his head and then get back to his feet.
Almeida seems to have his feet under him now. Font backs him up to the cage and continues putting on the pressure. Big knee from Font but he slips on it.
Still looking hurt, Almeida finds some space, but there’s not much of a breather to be had here as Font continues to march forward. He lands a couple of punches in close and then a head kick out of nowhere rocks Almeida and is followed by a series of uppercuts that drop him to the mat.
Font follows up with a few ground and pound shots as the referee rushes in to bring the fight to a conclusion, handing him an impressive TKO victory.