Serghei Spivac landed multiple takedowns against Tai Tuivasa tonight at UFC 243 on his way to a second round submission victory.
Round One:
Huge leg kick from Tuivasa to start and that drops Spivac to the mat in a heap. He seems panicked as Tuivasa lands a hammerfist, but then gets back to his feet.
Tuivasa with an uppercut. Now a short flurry of punches. Tuivasa goes for another leg kick, but this time Spivac does well to catch it and lands a takedown.
Tuivasa quickly working his way to the cage though and stands back up.
Leg kick lands for Tuivasa. Now a left hand as he barrels forward. Push kick from Spivac. Elbow strike for Tuivasa.
Spivac gets Tuivasa to the ground, but Tuivasa quickly manages to get back up. However, a kick from Tuivasa presents Spivac with another chance to bring the fight to the floor.
Spivac working a front headlock, but Tuivasa stands up. Leg kick for him as Spivac lands a right hand counter.
Judo throw for Spivac to end back on top working the front headlock. Tuivasa gradually managing to escape and return to his feet.
Tuivasa hoping to land more offense, but Spivac lands another takedown. Spivac in half guard and stays there for the remaining seconds of the round.
Round Two:
Spivac with an overhand right attempt. Now he’s sticking out the jab. He goes in for a double leg against the cage and lands it.
Tuivasa works his way back to his feet. left hook for Tuivasa and then is away from the cage. He lands a leg kick.
jab for Tuivasa and one for Spivac in return. Right hands for Tuivasa. Now a solid left connects. Tuivasa prevents another judo throw.
Wild strikes from Tuivasa miss. Spivac back into a takedown attempt against the cage and lands it well.
Spivac able to move to mount. Elbow lands for him and Tuivasa is instantly bleeding significantly. Another elbow lands.
Spivac opting for punches now and then tries for an arm triangle choke. He’s close to the cage, but he’s managing to make it work anyway and the ref goes in to check on Tuivasa – he’s out! The fight is over, Spivac wins by submission at 3.14mins of the second round.