Justin Gaethje was able to battle his way to another decision victory over Rafael Fiziev in the co-main event of UFC 313 in Las Vegas.
Round One
Leg kick for Fiziev. Now a leg kick from Gaethje, but Fiziev responds with a nice takedown. Gaethje manages to scramble back up but gets a knee in the process.
Fiziev again lands a takedown and there’s another scramble, but Fiziev traps his head inbetween his legs to keep him down. Gaethje gradually able to work his way out of that and stand back up.
Body punch from Fiziev. Uppercut from Gaethje. Right hand for Gaethje now. Inside leg kick for Fiziev. He misses wit an uppercut attempt.
They clinch up in the center of the Octagon. Fiziev with a knee to the body and Gaethje lands his own. Body kick for Fiziev and then a right hand. He lands another body kick.
Gaethje clinches up again in the center of the Octagon. They move over towards the cage and Gaethje presses Fiziev into it. They jockey for position and then separate.
Body kick for Fiziev. Right hand lands for Gaethje. Gaethje swoops in for a takedown, but Fiziev keeps his balance and gets back to striking range late in the round.
Round Two
Gaethje with grazing hooks. Body kick for Fiziev, but strayed low to the groin and forces a brief timeout.
Back to it they go. Both with a swing and miss. Short hooks from Gaethje. Body punches from Fiziev. Gaethje lunges into a right hand, but doesn’t land clean.
Body punch for Gaethje. Now Fiziev with one, but Gaethje lands a right hand. Quick flurry form Gaethje. Body kick for Fiziev.
Right hook in close from Gaethje. Body kick for Fiziev. Fiziev lands a clean right hand. Calf kick for Fiziev. Gaethje with body punches and a knee from Fiziev. Solid right hand from Gaethje.
Left hand lands for Gaethje. Fiziev threatens with an uppercut. Fiziev with a knee to the body. Uppercut from Gaethje drops Fiziev!
Fiziev able to get to his knees. Gaethje not going all-in here, but is landing a few solid punches. Fiziev able to work back to his feet but eats a right hand as he does so. Body kick for Fiziev. Gaethje just comes up short with a head kick as Fiziev bends back out the way.
Round Three
Right hand in close from Gaethje and then an uppercut comes close behind it. Kick from Fiziev. Inside leg kick from him. Right hook for Gaethje. He works in an uppercut now.
Body punch for Fiziev. Flurry for Gaethje, but then Fiziev lands a right hook. Body kicks from Fiziev. He lands another.
Left hand for Gaethje. Another uppercut. Fiziev with body kicks. Gaethje tries for a head kick. Brief clinch and Gaethje peels away after landing a right hook.
Gaethje flurry in close and Fiziev clinches to work a knee. They break away but then come back to the clinch with Gaethjer still working for that uppercut. Gaethje with a glancing head kick at close quarters.
Gaethje able to repeatedly step into the phone booth and land nice uppercuts here, and Fiziev seems to be running out of steam. Body kick from Fiziev. Gaethje with a head kick attempt.
A good fight then, but there’s no doubt about the winner as Gaethje ensured the second round was going his way after dropping Fiziev with an uppercut and was able to up his intensity in the final five minutes against his tiring opponent to ensure he emerges with a unanimous decision victory (29-28 x3).