Roman Dolidze Defeats Anthony Smith By Unanimous Decision At UFC 303

Roman Dolidze got the better of his short notice fight with Anothony Smith tonight at UFC 303 to win by unanimous decision.

Round One:

Calf kick for Dolidze. Now a solid body kick. Back to the calf kick. Then the body again.

Dolidze misses on a head kick attempt. Inside calf kick now. Again to the calf. Counter right from Smith.

Now a calf kick for Smith, but Dolidze just gives him one back in return. Lunging right hand from Dolidze.

Calf kick for Dolidze and then a heavier one from Smith. Right hand lands for Smith.

Another chopping calf kick for Dolidze. Smith lands his own. Dolidze grins and then lands his again soon after.

Sidee kick from Dolidze. Another calf kick from Smith and another grin from Dolidze. Calf kick for Dolidze.

Right hand for Smith. Front kick to the body. Calf kick. Dolidze lands his too. Smith moves out of the way of an outside calf kick but then eats an inside one.

Jab for Dolidze and a low kick. Missed punch from Smith and then they almost clinch up before Smith stumbles away off-balance.

Jab for Smith. Leg kick for Dolidze. Smith blocks a head kick attempt. Smith pressing forward late in the round and lands a grazing left hand.

Round Two:

Inside calf kick for Dolidze. Smith scores with his own low kick. Another low kick for Smith. Thigh kick from Dolidze.

Dolidze charges forward and lands a good hook and then continues that momentum into a takedown as Smith stumbles. Dolidze battering away with ground-and-pound here, but Smith is defending and seems ok.

Smith gets to his knees but Dolidze is on him and staying heavy. Bit of a stalemate for a bit, but then Dolidze starts landing some hard punches. He slows back down, landing a knee.

Smith trying to stand, but not quite able to yet. A minute to go in the round and he’s on one knee with a hand on the mat. Dolidze lands a couple of knees to the leg, then one to the head that appears to have been legal based on Smith’s position at that moment.

Smith gets up now and immediately presses forward on the attack. However he gets caught by a punch and that took the wind out of his sails for a moment.

Round Three:

Leg kick for Dolidze. Calf kick for Smith. Dolidze with a goofy dance and Smith lands a low kick in response.

High kick attempt from Smith. Dolidze with a kick. Grazing hooks from both men. A few missed punches now. Low kick for Dolidze. Body kick attempt from him.

Right hook for Dolidze. Back to the calf kick. Right hand counter from Smith. More missed punches.

Double jab for Dolidze. Right hand from Smith. Clubbing punch from Smith. He lands another right. Now a leg kick. Leg kick for Dolidze.

Overhand from Dolidze. Punch from Smith. He lands a jab. A couple of left hands from Smith. Calf kick from Dolidze.

Final 30 seconds. Spinning kick to the body from Dolidze. Now a calf kick. Another low kick from him.


Both fighters took this fight on short notice and it showed as the fight progressed, particularly for Smith who struggled to shift up the gears and looked tired by the end. Dolidze wins by unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28 x2).

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.